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Get Involved

There are a number of ways to be involved. We are looking for sponsors, vendors, entertainers, educators, and volunteers to come spread the word about natural hair and health. You will have direct access to the global market through the military personnel and its affliates who attend our expo. You take your pick:
​​​Come one, come all.


Are you an artist, entertainer, designer, musician, vocalist, poet or inspirational speaker? We need creative and inspirational people to display their talents, artwork or collections. So if you have original works, are a trend setting fashion designer, have a powerful collection, or have inspirational words that will engage and captivate an audience, we are looking for you!

​​Planting Seeds of Knowledge.


Do you have useful information for the Armed Forces National Hair & Health Expo attendees? We are always looking for great instructors to provide helpful tips and lessons that the attendees can learn and build upon. AFNHHE educators are patient, informative, and passionate about the natural hair & health community.

​Lending Helpful Hands

AFNHHE is looking for hands-on individuals to help and assist behind the scenes. There is much work to be done including set up, product placement assistance, information runners, cashiers, baggers and audio techs to name a few. 

Marketing Opportunities
Participants will remember your business through the AFNHHE Souvenir Booklet.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Remember to have your logo advertisement added to the Armed Forces Natural Hair & Health Expo Souvenir Booklet. You may also place an ad if you are unable to attend the expo.

Purchase Your Printing Materials 
​Companies can purchase their printed materials with us. 

Purchase your flyers, posters, business cards and other printing materials here. Please email us at

​​Our Sponsors:​

Thanks for submitting!

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